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Past Award Recipients

Best Journal Paper (1952 - 1977)


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 51:4

Author(s): Robert J. Horodyski

Title: Environmental Influences on Columnar Stromatolite Branching Patterns: Examples from the Middle Proterozoic Belt in Supergroup, Glacier Park, Montana

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 47:1

Author(s): Michael D. Wilson & Edward D. Pittman

Title: Authigenic Clays in Sandstones: Recognition and Influence on Reservoir and Paleoenvironmental Analysis


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 50:6

Author(s): Bruce M. Bell

Title: Phylogenetic Implications of Ontogenetic Development in the Class Edriosteroida (Echinodermata)

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 46:2

Author(s): Edwin L. Hamilton

Title: Variations of Density and Porosity with Depth in Deep-Sea Sediments


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 49:4

Author(s): Philip A. Sandberg

Title: Bryozoan Diagenesis: Bearing on Nature of the Original Skeleton of Rugose Corals

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 45:4

Author(s): A. Conrad Neumann & Lynton S. Land

Title: Lime Mud Deposition and Calcareous Algae inthe Bight of Abaco, Bahamas: A Budget


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 48:5

Author(s): Bruce Runnegar

Title: Evolutionary History of teh Bivalve Subclass Anomalodesmata

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 44:4

Author(s): William J. Cleary & John R. Connolly

Title: Hatteras Deep-Sea Fan


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 47:1

Author(s): Bruce N. Haugh

Title: Water Vascular System of the Crinoides Camerata

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 43:2

Author(s): I. Nicholas McCave

Title: The Sedimentology of a Transgression: Portland Point and Cooksburg Members (Middle Devonian), New York State


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 46:2

Author(s): Steven M. Stanley

Title: Functional Morphology and Evolution of Byssally Attached Bivalve Mollusks

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 42:4

Author(s): Monty A. Hampton

Title: The Role of Subaqueous Debris Flow in Generating Turbidity Currents


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 45:6

Author(s): J. William Schopf & Jan C. Blacic

Title: New Microorganisms from the Bitter Springs Formation (Late Precambrian) of the North-Central Amadeus Basin, Australia

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 41:3

Author(s): H. Edward Clifton & Ralph E. Hunter & R. L. Phillips

Title: Depositional Structures in the Non-Barred High Energy Nearshore


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 44:6

Author(s): J. Robert Dodd & Robert J. Stanton, Jr.

Title: Paleoecologic Techniques - Comparison of Faunal and Geochemical Analyses of Pliocene Paleoenvironments, Kettleman Hills, California

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 40:4

Author(s): George D. Klein

Title: Depositional and Dispersal Dynamics of Intertidal Sand Bars


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 43:4

Author(s): James W. Valentine

Title: Niche Diversity and Niche Size Patterns in Marine Fossils

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 39:2

Author(s): Paul P. Enos

Title: Anatomy of a Flysch


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 42:4

Author(s): Eugene A. Shinn

Title: Burrowing in Recent Lime Sediments of Florida and the Bahamas

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 38:3

Author(s): Thomas W. Todd

Title: Paleoclimatology and the Relative Stablility of Feldspar Minerals under Atmospheric Conditions


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 41:6

Author(s): Charles A. Ross

Title: Development of Fusulinid (Foraminiferida) Faunal Realms

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 37:2

Author(s): Mahlon W. Ball

Title: Carbonate Sand Bodies of Florida and the Bahamas


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 40:5

Author(s): David M. Ramp

Title: Geometric Analysis of Shell Coiling: General Problems

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 36:4

Author(s): Fred T. Mackenzie & Robert M. Garrels

Title: Silica-Bicarbonate Balance in the Ocean and Early Diagenesis


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 39:3

Author(s): Porter M. Kier

Title: Evolutionary Trends in Paleozoic Echinoids

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 35:4

Author(s): Alan V. Jopling

Title: Hydraulic Factors Controlling the Shape of Laminae in Laboratory Deltas


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 38:3

Author(s): Richard A. Robinson

Title: Late Middle Cambrian Faunas From Western Utah

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 34:2

Author(s): John H. Spotts

Title: Grain Orientation and Imbrication in Miocene Turbidity Current Sandstones, California


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 37:1

Author(s): J. Harlan Johnson

Title: The Algal Genus Archaeolithothamnium and Its Fossil Representatives

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 33:3

Author(s): John M. Christie & Harvey Blatt

Title: Undulatory Extinction in Quarts of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks and Its Significance in Provenance Studies of Sedimentary Rocks


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 36:2

Author(s): Michael R. House

Title: Observations on the Ammonoid Succession of the North American Devonian

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 32:4

Author(s): John R. L. Allen

Title: The Petrology, Origin and Deposition of the Highest Lower Sandstone of Shropshire, England


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 35:1

Author(s): William J. Sando

Title: Morphology and Ontogeny of Ankhelasma, a New Mississippian Coral Genus

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 31:4

Author(s): Gerald M. Friedman

Title: Distinction Between Dune, Beach, and River Sands from their Textural Characteristics


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 34:1

Author(s): William A. Oliver, Jr.

Title: Rugose Corals from the Reef Limestones

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 30:1

Author(s): Raymond C. Murray

Title: Origin and Porosity in Carbonate Rocks


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 33:1

Author(s): Paul D. Blackman & Ruth Todd

Title: Mineralogy of Some Foraminifera as Relates to Their Classification and Ecology

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 29:3

Author(s): Robin G. C. Bathurst

Title: Diagenesis in Mississippian Calcilutites and Pseudobreccias


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 32:2

Author(s): Christina L. Balk & James Lee Wilson

Title: Cambrian Biostratigraphy in North America

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 28:1

Author(s): Louis I. Briggs

Title: Evaporite Facies


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 31:6

Author(s): Helen Tappan & Alfred R. Loeblich, Jr.

Title: Correlation of the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plain Paleocene and Lower Eocene Formations by Means of Planktonic Foraminifera

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 27:3

Author(s): Raymond Siever

Title: Pennsylvanian Sandstones of the Eastern Interior Coal Basin


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 30:3

Author(s): Christina L. Balk

Title: The Evolution of Some Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Trilobite Families

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 26:3

Author(s): Maurice A. Carrigy

Title: Organic Sedimentation in Warnbro Sound, Western Australia


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 29:6

Author(s): William R. Walton

Title: Ecology of Living Benthonic Foraminifera, Todos Santos Bay, California

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 25:2

Author(s): Louis F. Dellwig

Title: Origin of the Salina Salt of Michigan


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 28:3

Author(s): Donald Parkinson

Title: Quantitative Studies of Brachiopods from the Lower Carboniferous Reef Limestones of England

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 24:2

Author(s): Harold N. Fisk & Charles R. Kolb & Edward McFarlan, Jr. & Louis J. Wilbert, Jr.

Title: Sedimentary Framework of the Modern Mississippi Delta


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 27

Author(s): --

Title: none presented

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 23

Author(s): --

Title: none presented


Journal of Paleontology

Issue: 26:3

Author(s): Lloyd G. Henbest

Title: Significance of Evolutionary Explosions for Diastrophic Division of Earth History

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Issue: 22:2

Author(s): Philip H. Kuenen & Henry W. Menard, Jr.

Title: Turbidity Currents, Graded and Non-Graded Deposits

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