New Zealand

Lorna J. Strachan
Senior Lecturer of Sedimentology
Geology Programme
School of Environment
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
- BSc (Hons) Geological Sciences, Leeds, UK (1998)
- PhD Geometry to genesis: A comparative field study of submarine slump deposits and their modes of formation, Cardiff and Imperial College, UK (2002)
Research Interests
My research focuses on deep marine sedimentary processes on submarine slopes and involves a combined approach, using field and seismic data together with some experimental modelling. In particular, I am interested in how gravity flows on slopes move, be it via slumping, sliding, debris flow, turbidity current or other flow type.
Research Keywords:
- Submarine slopes
- slumps
- debrites
- turbidites
- mass transport complexes
- deep-marine processes
- field-based sedimentology
- marine geology
- modern seafloor processes
- experimental sedimentology
- seismic interpretation
Current Position
Senior Lecturer of Sedimentology at the University of Auckland. My current role involves teaching sedimentology to undergraduate and postgraduate students, supervising MSc and PhD student research, conducting research on modern and ancient sediments and sedimentary rocks in the SW Pacific. I am the vice president of the Geoscience Society of NZ and co-founder of the Australia and New Zealand Sedimentologists Network.