SEPM Fluvial Sedimentology Research Group

Who is this community?
The SEPM Fluvial Sedimentology Research Group is made up of SEPM members interested in the processes and deposits of modern and ancient rivers. This Research Group was newly formed in 2023 to foster networking and collaboration among scientists interested in this field. We welcome geologists, geomorphologists, archeologists, engineers, and anyone interested in rivers and their deposits. Our interests span process sedimentology, remote sensing, modeling and experimentation, subsurface interpretation and fluid flow, river–ecosystem interactions and more.
Sign Up for Fluvial Sedimentology Email Updates
Why join this Research Group?
- Networking opportunities within the Fluvial Sedimentology and wider Sedimentary Geology and Geomorphology communities.
- Opportunities to meet with researchers in-person at annual meetings/key conferences, and virtually at online seminars/discussions.
- Specialized email listserv with targeted information about upcoming events, funding and job opportunities, resources, and more
- Google Group to facilitate data and resource sharing.
- Access to the SEPM membership benefits and community
Chairing and Volunteers
Are you interested in co-chairing/assisting with organization? Contact group organizers for more details on next steps.
Current/Upcoming Business
Stay tuned for our upcoming Google Group listserv, as well as debut of our virtual short course to new members.
Past Business
Delivery of a “Fluvial Landscape Reconstruction from the Sedimentary Record” virtual short course. This course was delivered in conjunction with The Pennsylvania State University NSF GEO Award #1455240, and comprised six live webinars and two participant-led sessions. Participants at every career stage, and from all over the globe, joined in! Course topics spanned: (1) boundary conditions in river networks; (2) scaling river networks; (3) fluvial preservation; (4) channel–floodplain interactions; (5) paleoclimate interpretations; and (6) stratigraphic data collection and management.”
Want to get involved?
Contact the Fluvial Sedimentology Research Group organizers to be added to our custom listserv and be kept in the loop about future meetings, talks and other relevant opportunities.
Fluvial Sedimentology Research Group Organizers:
Sinéad Lyster –
Current co-chairs include Safiya Alpheus,, and Liz Hajek,
Questions? Please contact the Research Group Organizer (above) or Cassie Turley at SEPM headquarters.