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SEPM Research Conference

June 2-4, 2025 - Salt Lake City, UT USA

Click here Registration is now Open!!!!

Best to read the Registration Notes before clicking.


Professional Non-Member - $525

Professional SEPM Member - $425

Student Non-Member - $270

Student SEPM Member - $220

** SEPM Non-Members are encouraged to join SEPM.  Student can join for only $15.  Join Now

Registration will include ice breaker, breakfast, lunches, and refreshments.

Registration Notes

  1. SEPM Members should already have a ‘sign-in’ at the registration site – others will need to create one. 
  2. Student Non-Members need to contact Theresa Scott to receive the Student Non-Member rate before creating an account. 
  3. Please use your browser's 'back' rather than the 'continue shopping' option
  4. If you have questions about registration for the Energy Transition Conference, please contact Theresa Scott
  5. Cancellation Policy:  Full refund April 1, Half refund May 1 and no refund if cancelled after May 15 

General Conference Schedule

June 1 - Evening icebreaker reception (Must be 21 years old to attend) -Fisher Brewing Company

June 2 - Carbon-capture and underground storage & geothermal energy

June 3 - Critical Minerals and CCUS Technical Talks and Posters

June 4 - CCUS Short Course and Core Viewing at the Utah Geological Survey. Note the Short Course will only accommodate 25 people so the first to sign up will get in.

Final Program Available

Conference Purpose

Sedimentary geology insight is critical for developing transitional and renewable energy sources. Because of its long history supporting fossil fuel exploration, the field of sedimentary geology is well-positioned to meet growing needs related to critical minerals, geothermal energy, hydrogen exploration, and carbon capture and storage. This research conference is designed to explore how sedimentary geology underpins cutting-edge research, exploration, and decision-making in energy-resource development, establish new networks of sedimentary geologists working in energy-transition fields, and identify workforce-development priorities sedimentary geologists supporting the energy transition.  Outcomes of the meeting may include 1) a special publication, 2) teaching and training resources for sedimentary geology faculty, and 3) exposure and networking for students and early-career professionals.

Who: Researchers, technical experts, and students interested in the role of Sedimentary Geology in the Energy Transition. Whether you are a seasoned expert or someone looking to adapt your experience to help with this important work, we welcome your participation!

What: A 3-day interactive meeting with opportunities to hear from industry-leading experts, share technical work, get feedback on new ideas, and build new connections through formal and informal discussions.

Where: Alumni House, Salt Lake City, Utah 

When: June 2-4, 2025

Why: Gather to share ideas, discuss new directions, and explore teaching and research opportunities that will help build the capacity for sedimentary geologists to contribute to future energy needs.

Tentative Program

    June 1 - Evening icebreaker reception -Fisher Brewing Company

    June 2 - Carbon-capture and underground storage & geothermal energy

    June 3 - Critical minerals, hydrogen, new frontiers, energy justice, and energy finance

    June 4 - CCUS Short Course and Core viewing at Utah Geological Survey Note the Short Course will only accomodate 25 people so first people to sign up will get in.

Each day will include a mix of overview presentations by keynote speakers, technical talks, technical posters presentations, and lightning talks and mini-posters designed for researchers and students to share and get feedback on interesting new ideas and datasets. There will also be time for informal and formal discussions, including coordinated group discussions designed to develop community recommendations.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Dr. Shikha Sharma, Marshall S. Miller Energy Professor of Geology

West Virginia University 

Learn More

Dr. Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, Director of Berg-Hughes Center
Texas A&M University 

LinkedIn Profile

Dr. Dustin Crandall, Research Engineer
National Energy Technology Laboratory
, LinkedIn Profile

Dr. John M. Holbrook

School of Geology, Energy, and the Environment

TCU Holbrook_Vita_TCU 

  • Tramond Baisden (Shell; President Assoc. Black Geoscientists)
  • Liz Hajek (Penn State University)
  • Jean Hsieh (Sedimentary Geology Consultants)
  • Cari Johnson (University of Utah)
  • Amy Weislogel (West Virginia University)

Banner Photo Credit Garrett

CC Attribution 2.0

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