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SEPM Research Conference

SEPM Research Conference - Sedimentary Geology and Energy Transitions

June 2-6, 2025 - Salt Lake City, UT USA



(Instructions and Format)


Sedimentary geology insight is critical for developing transitional and renewable energy sources. Because of its long history supporting fossil fuel exploration, the field of sedimentary geology is well positioned to meet the needs of finding and managing subsurface resources including critical mineral and gas resources, geothermal energy, and carbon capture and storage. The aim of this research conference is to 1) explore how sedimentary geology underpins cutting edge research, exploration, and decision-making in energy-resource development, 2) establish new networks of sedimentary geologists working in energy-transition fields, and 3) build new recommendations for undergraduate and graduate teaching to help prepare sedimentary geologists for the energy transition. 

Outcomes of the meeting may include 1) a special publication, 2) teaching and training resources for sedimentary geology faculty, and 3) exposure and networking for students and early-career professionals.

Tentative Program

Two days of technical sessions and discussion with morning and afternoon topic focus areas. One day of interactive workshop activities. Each technical session opens with 2 invited speakers (~30 min talks) providing an overview of the topic followed by a series of technical talks (15 mins including questions) and poster/discussion time. Each day will end with an hour of directed discussions with breakout groups and reporting.

Technical Session Topics

  • Session Day 1 morning: Carbon Capture and Storage
  • Session Day 1 afternoon: Geothermal Energy
  • Session Day 2 morning: New Frontiers – Hydrogen, Critical Minerals, & Water Management
  • Session Day 2 afternoon: Energy Finance, Energy Justice, and Workforce Readiness
  • Day 3:  Field day, site visit, and/or core workshop
  • Day 4: Various workshops

 Discussion Topics include: Research needs; teaching/training needs; career pathways; and others

  • Tramond Baisden (Shell; President Assoc. Black Geoscientists)
  • Liz Hajek (Penn State University)
  • Jean Hsieh (Sedimentary Geology Consultants)
  • Cari Johnson (University of Utah)
  • Amy Weislogel (West Virginia University)

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